Anonymous New User
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 Posts: 0
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 7:27 pm
Post subject: 19 FStAdFunc
NumBytes: 3
ArgStr: l
SrcStr: |
Comments: always followed by FldPr ;i cant find a good not to ignore it
Runtime engine:
[asm:3re0n41c]- mov ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh ; ebx = true
- lblFStAd:
- movsx eax, word ptr [esi] ; eax = opcode first argument (offset to locals)
- add esi, 2 ; move codeframe to next opcode
- add eax, ebp ; eax = address of this local var
- jmp lblStAd
- lblStAd:
- pop ecx
- push ebx ; push "true"
- push eax ; push address of the local var
- push ecx
- call _ExStAd@12 ; ExStAd(x,x,x)
- xor eax, eax ; clear eax
- mov al, [esi] ; eax = next opcode
- inc esi ; move codeframe to next opcode/arg
- jmp ds:_tblByteDisp[eax*4] ; do next opcode (jumptable)