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_aLfa_ Site Admin
Joined: 21 Sep 2002 Posts: 233 Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:54 pm
Post subject: VISUAL BASIC REVERSED - A decompiling approach
Reverse Engineering Team
Keywords: Reverse Code Engineering, Visual Basic, VB, Decompiling
Frameworks are getting more and more popular today, Visual Basic is one of them. Personally I hate frameworks, and also most reversers do. So, why this tutorial? We can consider both the light and the dark side of the problem: frameworks usually put a lot of code in the compiled programs, so it becomes hard to find the way among all that jungle. But they also use sets of pre-built objects, so these objects are always the same and can be recognized, helping the reverser to understand the code itself. In a VB PE you have alot of information inside the exe, so you can easily extract all the information you need about all components of the program. To analyze a VB application I used this program that was written by a friend of mine (thank you _d31m0s_!). It's a sort of name/serial crackme, but we are not interested in serial fishing, we are interested in how it works and how VB knows how to build the app itself. I asked my friend to write it adding some event handling (colors, on over, etc...) and a simple algorithm to check serial. He also wrote the proggy using more source files and making various subs (some null sub too). We also have the source of all, but we will check them later.
Let's make some introduction now! _________________ One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing. (Socrates)
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_aLfa_ Site Admin
Joined: 21 Sep 2002 Posts: 233 Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:57 pm
Post subject: 1 - INTRODUCTION
Before VB5 the VB programs were not truly traduced in assembler, they were coded in Pseudo Code (hehe you all remember those hating pcode exe!), and the VB virtual machine had the task of itnerpreting the pseudo code and execute it. Those programs were linked to vbrun100, vbrun200, vbrun300, vbrun400 dlls (depending on the version); well thing are a little different because there were variations between 16bit and 32bit modules (pcode were mostly 16bit apps), but this is not what we are looking for. Today we have version 5 and 6 of VB, they use MSVBVM50.dll and MSVBVM60.dll, and now VB exes are really compiled and traduced in asm. As you all know you can't use usual breakpoints like "GetWindowTextA" when debugging VB programs, infact you should use the apis exported from the VBVM dll (e.g. for a serial I would use __vbaStrCmp, or rtcMsgBox), if you want to use these apis in softice you just have to load the VB dll (in winice.dat or via symbol loader). This will help you debug VB applications. _________________ One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing. (Socrates)
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_aLfa_ Site Admin
Joined: 21 Sep 2002 Posts: 233 Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:01 pm
Post subject: 2 - ANALISYS
Let's start disassembling the proggy. I am using Ida, I advice you to use it too, but you can use other disassemblers if you want. First of all lets have a general look, so we can have a general idea. You can easily see the following:
[code=text:nmwo94j5]- 00401000
- ... IAT (First Thunk ok apis)
- 004010F0
- ... some data
- 004011A5
- ... transfer area (declspec(dllimport) style)
- 0040130E
- ... lots of data
- 004023EC
- ... local transfer area (for internal event handlers)
- 0040242C
- ... other data
- 00402E44
- ... code
- 00403D06
- ... other data
Ok we have a general idea of the mapping of the program. Notice that all read only data is in the .text section, the data before and after the code contains names of imported function (IT original first thunks), however now we begin analisys.
We start from entry point. What we see is:
[asm:nmwo94j5]- 00401310 push offset RT_MainStruct
- 00401315 call ThunRTMain
if you debug this, you execute the call the program runs. The analisys here is very simple: the entry point simply consists of:
this function is the main function of the VBVM (the Thunder Runtime Engine) and has one parameter, the pointer to a complex structure that describes all the application. It is clear that all the data, all the callbacks and so on are described by this structure, so we can extract alot of information. We just have to check this big structure! Let's go!
[asm:nmwo94j5]- 00401970 RT_MainStruct db ’VB5!’ ;signature
- 00401974 db 1Ch ;
- 00401975 aVb6it_dll db ’#VB6IT.DLL’,0 ;italian language
- 00401980 dd 0
- 00401984 dd 2Ah
- 00401988 dd 0
- 0040198C dd 0
- 00401990 dd 0A0000h
- 00401994 dd 410h
- 00401998 dd 409h
- 0040199C dd 0
- 004019A0 dd offset ProjectStruct
- 004019A4 dd 30F016h
- 004019A8 dd 0FFFFFF00h
- 004019AC dd 8
- 004019B0 dd 1
- 004019B4 dd 2
- 004019B8 dd 0E9h
- 004019BC dd offset DialogsStruct
- 004019C0 dd offset ExternStruct
- 004019C4 dd offset ProjectInfo
- 004019C8 dd 78h
- 004019CC dd 7Eh
- 004019D0 dd 84h
- 004019D4 dd 85h
- 004019D8 dd 0
- 004019DC dd 0
- 004019E0 dd 0
- 004019E4 dd 0
the first field is the signature of the struct itself. Note that the program has been written with VB 6.0, but the signature is "VB5!", probably they didn't change it for cross compatibility? Or just forgot it? Who knows! However we can see various infos, the "VB6IT.dll" that should be the module to load the language (the app has been written with italian version of vb). What should really abtract your attention are four pointers (ProjectStruct, DialogStruct, ExternStruct, ProjectInfo). I gave them a name because I know their function, you should see just four addresses in the dasm. However we will analyse these structs to find infos we need.
[asm:nmwo94j5]- 0040131C ProjectInfo dd 0 ; DATA XREF: 004019C4o
- 00401320 dd 30h
- 00401324 dd 40h
- 00401328 dd 0
- 0040132C dd 0EACF9A13h
- 00401330 dd 4F93898Bh
- 00401334 dd 0DF0C5493h
- 00401338 dd 159AAEEDh
- 0040133C dd 0
- 00401340 dd 10000h
- 00401344 a020430progetto db 0,0,’020430Progetto1’,0
- 00401356 aC000 db ’-C000-’
- 0040135C dd 0 ;
here we can see various numbers, in particula there is the project name as last field. If we go and search in the source of the app, we can see in the .vbp the following line
Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#D:\WINNT\System32\STDOLE2.TLB#OLE Automation
so we can think all the data bytes represent the type of project, modules contained etc etc. This isn't very useful, so we go on. We go back to main struct and see another sub structure:
[asm:nmwo94j5]- 004018F8 ExternStruct dd 6 ;flag
- 004018FC dd offset InsideImport ;import data
it is a bit harder to figure out what this structure is. This handles other imported functions, they can be inside or outside virtual machine module. The flag indicates the type of import (6 = inside, 7 = outside). If you look at InsideImport you will find:
[asm:nmwo94j5]- 00402B64 InsideImport dd offset Descr
- 00402B68 dd offset Thunk
Descr will point to four dwords that seem to be the same in all vb apps. Thunk will contain a pointer to an area where addresses (of some code of the cirtual machine) are stored. I analysed an other vb app, its ExternStruct is:
[asm:nmwo94j5]- ;snippet from another vb app
- 00401A5C ExternStruct dd 7 ;outside
- 00401A60 dd offset ImportData
- 00401A64 dd 6 ;inside
- 00401A68 dd offset InsideImport
- ;end snippet from another vb app
as you can see in that app there was an external function, infact the app used ShellExecute to open the internet browser and link to a site. The ImportData is as follows:
[asm:nmwo94j5]- ;snippet from another vb app
- 00402DA4 ImportData dd offset aShell32 ;modulename
- 00402DA8 dd offset aShellexecutea ;apiname
- 00402DAC align 8
- 00402DB0 dd offset IAT_Data
- ;end snippet from another vb app
where you can see you have the pointers to the name of the module and the name of the api to import. The IAT_Data fields points to thunking data (hInstance of module and api address). This data is also used from the primitive DLL_Import of VB, used to thunk to ouside apis. Back to our app, we check the DialogStruct pointer:
[asm:nmwo94j5]- 00401A00 DialogsStruct[0] dd 50h ;sizeof struct
- 00401A04 dd 356022C6h
- 00401A08 dd 400E3F28h
- 00401A0C dd 495240B8h
- 00401A10 dd 0C9491BB6h
- 00401A14 dd 0
- 00401A18 dd 0
- 00401A1C dd 0
- 00401A20 dd 0
- 00401A24 dd 0
- 00401A28 dd 310h
- 00401A2C dd 0
- 00401A30 dd 0
- 00401A34 dd 0
- 00401A38 dd 0
- 00401A3C dd 0
- 00401A40 dd 596h
- 00401A44 dd 0
- 00401A48 dd offset MainDialog
- 00401A4C dd 4Ch
- 00401A50 DialogsStruct[1] dd 50h ;sizeofstruct
- 00401A54 dd 78CBBB9Fh
- 00401A58 dd 401EB563h
- 00401A5C dd 0DB80B296h
- 00401A60 dd 7EFFD31Ah
- 00401A64 dd 0
- 00401A68 dd 0
- 00401A6C dd 0
- 00401A70 dd 0
- 00401A74 dd 3
- 00401A78 dd 100h
- 00401A7C dd 0
- 00401A80 dd 0
- 00401A84 dd 0
- 00401A88 dd 0
- 00401A8C dd 0
- 00401A90 dd 1A3h
- 00401A94 dd 0
- 00401A98 dd offset AboutDialog
- 00401A9C dd 9Ch
we have an array of dialog descriptors. Each descriptor has various data values, in particular has in the 19th field a pointer to a struct were the resource info are stored. These structure have variable size, because it depends on the data contained by the resources. Lets go and see MainDialog; I will not paste all the data but only the important things.
[asm:nmwo94j5]- 004013C2 aForm1 db 5,0,’Form1’,0
- 004013CC aLeimcrackme db 0Bh,0,’Leimcrackme’,0
- 004013E2 IconData db 6,3,0,0,6Ch,74h,0,0,0FEh...
- 004016FA dw 2Dh ; clientleft
- 004016FE dw 14Ah ; clienttop
- 00401702 dw 1248h ; clientwidth
- 00401706 dw 0B7Ch ; clientheight
- 00401715 aText2 db 5,0,’Text2’,0
- 00401731 aText1 db 5,0,’Text1’,0
- 0040174D aCommand2 db 8,0,’Command2’,0
- 0040175A aCheck db 7,0,’&Check!’,0
- 00401777 aCommand1 db 8,0,’Command1’,0
- 00401784 aAbout db 6,0,’&About’,0
- 004017A2 aLabel2 db 6,0,’Label2’,0
- 004017AD aSerial db 7,0,’Serial:’,0
- 004017D1 aLabel2_0 db 6,0,’Label2’,0
- 004017DC aName db 5,0,’Name:’,0
- 004017FC aLabel1 db 6,0,’Label1’,0
- 00401807 aWhoeverTriesTh db ’’,0,’Whoever tries...
you can see all the components of the crackme, their data, etc etc. IconData is the raw data of the icon of the main dialog.
If we look at the source we have:~
[code=text:nmwo94j5]- Begin VB.Form Form1
- BorderStyle = 3 ’Fixed Dialog
- Caption = "Leimcrackme"
- ClientHeight = 2940
- ClientLeft = 45
- ClientTop = 330
- ClientWidth = 4680
- Icon = "andre.frx":0000
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
you can see the icon data is encoded in the .frx file, which usually have big data. So the Icon field links to andre.frx file and 0000 is the offset of the starting data. Infact also the last label is linked as follows:
[code=text:nmwo94j5]- Caption = $"andre.frx":030A